The best drugs that improve memory and cerebral circulation

Can you boast of a good memory? How often does the wrong moment bring you down? Most people in different age groups face these problems. The most common symptom of brain dysfunction is memory impairment.

Memory weakness

Functions and types of memory

The main function of memory is to replay past events. Regular training and mental development improves their resources.

The human brain can process and store a lot of information using the following types of memory:

  • visual;
  • engine;
  • sound;
  • eat;
  • painful.

Affected by the same memory and potential: health status and brain activity. These rates can also be increased with the help of drugs that improve memory.

Doctors generally prescribe different types of medications for each age group.

Medications to improve memory at school age

Vitamin supplementation will not only help improve students' memory, but also help them live a healthy and fulfilling life at school.

The application will increase vital signs as follows:

  • decreasefatigue;
  • increasememorization level;
  • concentrationattention;
  • assimilation of educational material;
  • persistence.

The use of various vitamin complexes should be prescribed by a medical professional who will determine the correct dose, preferring natural preparations without impurities and dyes.

Regular use of vitamin complex for memory will also increase:

  • levelstudent intelligence;
  • indicatormemorization of teaching material;
  • indicatorworks on tasks;
  • levelwith concentration.

Which drug is effective for the elderly?

Decreased levels of neurons and nerve cells in the body lead to memory impairment. These changes are more typical for the elderly. Changes in the body occur at the age of 50, and the peak itself is about 70 years.

Physicians are advised to administer medication to maintain vital functions with age-related changes. The pharmaceutical market is represented by a large number of drugs to improve memory.

The effect of many drugs is to improve and regulate metabolism, which leads to increased efficiency and reduced stress.

In addition, the use of drugs reduces stress, restores normal glycine and relieves anxiety, which restores the activity of brain cells and increases the level of memorization, as well as improves memory.

One of the most effective drugs for improving memory in the elderly has long been considered "Glycine" or its modern analogue.

The drug has no side effects and is prescribed with the following changes:

  • nervous fatigue;
  • with emotional fatigue;
  • with strong mental stress.

A drug to improve cerebral circulation.

The comfort of life in youth and the clarity of the head in old age depend on the maintenance and restoration of cerebral circulatory functions.

All drugs to improve memory have a psychotropic function and not a mnemotropic function. In this regard, the actions are aimed at changing the blood circulation and all related processes. These include concentration and perception.

Drug treatment of nootropic drugs for circulatory disorders is carried out by doctors at all ages, determining the duration and effectiveness of different periods.

Technique and application, without damaging the healthy tissue, leads to the improvement of metabolic processes in the case of detected pathology of altered tissues in the cell structure of the brain. These drugs stimulate mental activity in children, young people and the elderly.

Drugs that activate and normalize blood circulation in the blood vessels are divided into:

A drug to improve cerebral circulation
  • vasodilator group;
  • separation group;
  • related to herbal medicine;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • group of combined drugs.

Review of the best medicines

When there is a lack of oxygen, the human brain loses its efficiency. This leads to memory impairment, decreased concentration and distraction. Medication can stimulate the brain to function properly.

All drugs in this line, as already mentioned, have a psychotropic function. Their action is aimed at improving the supply of blood and oxygen to brain cells. It should be noted that they do not affect the quality of memory.

Among the drugs that increase brain activity, the following can be distinguished:

  • Glycine. Effective normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension and improves mental performance. The drug is approved for use by children and pregnant women. Increases efficiency and helps students to master the material quickly during the session.
  • Phenylpiracetam and Piracetam. Encourage accelerated oxygen delivery to neurons. Their action stimulates the rapid breakdown of glucose, while activating the function of thinking, improves vision and facilitates the assimilation of new information. They also have a wide range of action and help improve blood circulation by activating metabolic processes.
  • Piracetam is prescribed by doctors for diseases of the nervous system when atherosclerosis and lesions with memory impairment are detected. There are some side effects, so it is recommended to take it carefully. Finotropil has a psychostimulant effect and is aimed at improving memory and intellectual activity.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid is prescribed for children from the age of three to increase mental development. The application is effective in detecting speech disorders with severe blood circulation in the brain and its consequences. The action is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the brain.
  • N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid sodium salt aims to strengthen the brain's resistance to mental stress. It is widely used in vegetative-vascular abnormalities and in the detection of acute circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • Ginkgo biloba leaf dry extract. Helps improve blood microcirculation, reduces the symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain, at the same time reduces the feeling of dizziness, hesitation while walking and tinnitus. Not recommended for children under 12.

vasodilation preparations

With age-related adverse changes, the vascular system suffers and wears out. This pathology also affects the functioning of the brain.

In this case:

  • decreasesI pay attention;
  • deterioratingmemory;
  • impairedmotor function and its coordination;
  • appearsrapid fatigue;
  • presentsleep problems.

The main focus of vascular drugs is to improve blood supply to the brain. They are designed to normalize blood flow and activate metabolic processes in the brain structure.

In addition to medications, vitamins P and C should be used to keep the arteries in good condition and elastic. Medical potassium, selenium and silicon are also useful for vessels. These drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

herbal preparations

Herbal medicines are very popular because they have no contraindications and do not cause various side effects when used. Their action is aimed at stimulating blood microcirculation and preventing platelet aggregation.

The group of drugs includes:

  • drugs, including periwinkle and ginkgo biloba,;
  • To restorevascular tone, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and analogue are prescribed.

Preparations to strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Severe vascular diseases occur with the deterioration of the body's circulatory system. Many factors affect weakened blood vessels, arteries and capillaries.

Later this happens:

  • head crampsand pain;
  • dizzinessand fainting;
  • hearing lossand vision;
  • raises blood pressure;
  • jointspains;
  • bleedingand vascular networks in the skin;
  • Increases cholesterol
  • .

To prevent these symptoms, doctors prescribe drugs that strengthen blood vessels. Designed by Detralex to give a tone to the walls of blood vessels and blood vessels to have a beneficial effect on the body. The list of prescribed drugs includes vitamin complexes and the so-called venotonic group.

These include drugs that include:

  • rutoside;
  • troxerutid;
  • diosmin and gosperidine.

Natural medicines are also added to the list of medicines. If venous insufficiency is detected, diosmin, etc. should be used. Can be combined with treatment.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelets

Tissue is designed to improve blood flow and normalize blood properties. Their spectrum of action is blood thinning and rapid clotting. Promotes vascular regeneration & prevents bleedingThe work of antiplatelet agents is aimed at preventing heart attacks and strokes. We include preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Anticoagulantsare used to prevent and treat varicose veins.

Both drugs make the blood thinner in their own way. Anticoagulants affect the composition of the blood, which prevents thrombosis, and antiplatelet agents act by blocking receptors.

Homeopathic medicines

The use of this group of drugs differs in the duration of application. Their safety allows you to complete a full three-month course with daily use.

The safest herbal remedies.

The most common ones to improve memory are:

  • Flaxseed oil.Helps improve memory and concentration.
  • Standard dry extract of ginkgo biloba leaves.

Memory medicine prices

The price for this category of goods depends on the main component and the percentage of content. The pharmaceutical market is quite wide, so once you are sure of the authenticity of the drug, you can choose according to your preferences, both in local pharmacies and through specialized sites of online stores.

We must not forget that health care is above all, and by saving on this or that drug, we save our health in the first place. A quality product that differs in price will give the best results in the fight against a disease or a small problem. In addition, the chances of getting a quick result from the effects of a good drug increase several times.

Remember that a problem like memory loss and poor circulation is easier to prevent than to treat for years. You just have to listen to your body and help it in time.